LIVE with Dave Meltzer

Parts Pass

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Utilizing AI technology to Assist Replacing Car Parts

Stan is the founder and CEO of Parts Pass App and is utilizing AI in a whole other way. In this show, Dave and Stan discuss the value of utilizing AI technology to assist in the process that has created a lot of frustration in the world replacing car parts. 

"We wanted to utilize artificial intelligence in its most form possible. So searching for car parts, in my opinion, has been such a struggle for doit-yourselfers, for repair shop owners, and just anyone out there. So we wanted to make it as simple as possible and AI allowed us to do that. So now you can take a picture of the car from any angle and that AI will decode that make and model. We really figured that part out really well and focused on that user experience. We also were able to give this software out for free. We have 27 distribution centers across the country, over 3 million parts to date at their disposal, and same day shipping and next day delivery. So we're really bringing innovation and accuracy to everyone that has a vehicle like yourself.

Given the fact that I had so many years in automotive experience, it allowed me to make the right connections and to see a need in the industry, whether you're doing it yourself or you're having someone else do it for you, or you are a small repair shop in rural America, any and everyone can use our application. It's free to use, it's available now on the Apple market, and the beautiful thing is, we're getting a lot of results and feedback from people saying how great this product is, how great the price points are, how quick the delivery is, and the quality of the part as well. So all in all, I'd like to say it's a win-win for everyone involved.


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